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This kind of high pressure common rail injector detection test bench is the latest development of the high pressure common rail diesel injector detection equipment, with more than 3800  kinds of common rail injector standard data.Adopting high precision automatic detection sensor test full load, idling, the spray under various conditions such as injection quantity and back to the amount of oil, and you can check the sealing of the injector,that is testing diesel common rail injector performance the best equipment .

main function and character:
1 Variable frequency drive common rail oil pump produced the greatest pressure 240mpa.
2 Rail pressure automatic loop control, shows the accuracy is 0.1 mpa.
3 Built-in common rail injector standard database, free upgrades, users can also automatically add data.

4 Common rail injector standard database equipped with various types of wave data, output standard    waveform signal to injector。
5 Can detect the Bosch, denso, Delphi, Siemens, and so on each brand high pressure common rail injector
6 Industrial computer motherboard, embedded Windows XP operating system
7 Injection quantity and back to the amount of oil to be automatic measurement, screens display
8 It can create a test data report, to be able to store and print (optional)
9 start oil testing
10 Detection common rail injector open pressure
11 detection common rail injector sealing
12 detection common rail injector idling process
13 detection common rail injector full load conditions
14 detection common rail injector starting conditions
15 detection common rail injector predict jetting conditions
16 detection common rail injector high pressure washing function

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高压共轨喷油器单次喷射仪EFS油嘴试验台 相关产品信息:
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