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Matsutec HP-528A船用AIS自动识别系统 避碰仪







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Matsutec HP-528A船用AIS收发机 船用AIS系统 GPS导航仪 4.3寸液晶 HP-528A 船用AIS自动识别系统 避碰仪 GPS导航仪 HP-33A Matsutec HP-528A 4.3" color LCD diaply AIS transponder combo with GPS navigator  The HP-528A is a class B AIS transponder for Non-SOLAS vessels such as pleasurecraft, work-boat, fishing boat etc small boat. dispaly to monitor Fishing net buoy, friendly ships etc. External Alarm for MOB and Collision-Risk management. Feature To AIS 1. Detail Target list and Radar overview 2. disaply to monitor important subject, example: Fihsing net buoy, Friend ship etc 3. External Alarm (Buzzer) 4. Low cost, reduced size and easy installation make the HP-528A ideal to meet your budgets and demands of owners and vessel operators To GPS 1. 4.3" Sunlight Viewvable color LCD (Brightness: 500 cd) 2. GOTO track navigation 3. Stores up to 10,000 marks/ waypoints, 100 routes and 3,000 track points

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